Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How I Choose Gemstones For My Wire Wrapped Jewellery


I have been asked how I choose gems. It starts with buying. I am attracted to some stones more than others. Being a lover of bright colours I naturally buy more of those than any other. I buy what I consider 'drab' colours at my wife's insistence or because they were part of a bundle of rocks. Because I love to make pendants I pick the sizes of gemstones that are best suited. I do buy smaller stones either for dainty pendants or for rings. I buy many of my gemstones from 
 as they are good quality and well priced. I do buy individual stones from suppliers in India and China either through direct contacts that I have built up or through Ebay.

When I want to start work I go to my stash of gems and look through them until I find one that 'speaks' to me. A stone that I am excited to wrap. In fact I will pick 2 or 3 stones and sometimes more to work on at a time depending on how I feel. 

I don't have a plan or a design in mind beyond the type of wrap I will use as I find it stifles my creativity. Once I have created the settings for the gem I start to have fun bending wires in interesting shapes until I am happy with the result. This keeps my designs fresh and constantly evolving. No two designs are ever the same using this method and I get to play with the designs. 

This is the reason that I very rarely take orders or commissions. I make what I please, creating shapes that appeal to me. I do sometimes get asked to recreate a design and I am usually happy to do so.

That's the basics of how I choose gems, on their beauty alone and where I get most of them from. Next I will go into the wires I use to wrap them. Where I get them from and why I use them. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have or if you would like me to go into greater detail on certain things. As I go along with the way I work and answering questions I will start to incorporate pictures, instructions, patterns and maybe even videos. Best wishes - Mark xx


  1. I am thrilled to be able to read your blog about your techniques and materials. Thank you for sharing this part of your life. It was my good fortune to find you on Facebook. You are an inspiration!

    1. Thank you very much Linda! I want try sharing what I do rather than this blog being a teaching site. If it will be of benefit to anyone else I will be very happy. Best wishes - Mark xx
